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  • The Astrology of Bond—James Bond (Part 2)

    The Astrology of Bond—James Bond (Part 2)

    “But James, I need you!” “So does England!” –The Spy Who Loved Me  Even though he returned to star in 1971’s Diamonds Are Forever, Sean Connery turned out not to be eternally bound to an eternal Bond. After Connery finally bailed, the producers, having had a single dalliance with a frustrated George Lazenby, went back to someone they had thought about hiring for several years—the great English “Saint,” Roger Moore. Like Lazenby, Moore had started out as a model. Always [...]

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  • Hollywood Q&A: How to Break into the Movie Business [PODCAST]

    Hollywood Q&A: How to Break into the Movie Business [PODCAST]

    In this podcast, Seth Jaret speaks to aspiring screenwriters about best practices for breaking into the entertainment business and sustaining success once you do. Seth covers his “origin story” and personal journey, starting with his initial successes with Rounders and 10 Things I Hate About You, culminating in the launch of Content Engine. He addresses the transformation of the film business, what it means to be a Content Creator, and how writers and directors need to eschew the culture of permission in favor [...]

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