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Stuff We Love curated from around the web.

Content Engine may not have created it, but we admire it, respect it or find it notable in some way.

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  • Modern Samurai Using His Sixth Sense

    Modern Samurai Using His Sixth Sense

    No limits. Here’s an amazing example of intuition, training and lighting-fast speed all channeled through a martial art thousands of years old. There is no limit to what human beings can accomplish when will, focus and determination intersect.

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  • The Gift

    The Gift

    In this extremely intriguing and visually arresting sci-fi tale, the filmmakers seem to be scratching the surface of a larger mythology that must lay beneath what’s revealed in this short. A futuristic Moscow, anthropomorphized robots and a motorcycle chase through snow-laded Russian boulevards all add up to a viscerally delectable sci-fi apéritif. The accomplished work evinced in this short resulted in the director, Carl Rinsch, being hired by Universal to direct 47 Ronin, which has yet to be release and [...]

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  • Tony Stark Recast as a Toddler in Iron Baby

    Tony Stark Recast as a Toddler in Iron Baby

    Don’t treat this toddler with kid gloves. He means business. Look Who’s Talkin’ meets Iron Man in “Iron Baby.” Tony Stark goes four quadrant: here’s his origin story going as far back as when he was a toddler. It could be a place to take the franchise if Marvel runs out of ideas for its genius super hero and wants to broaden his demographic. It’s a way to keep the franchise fresh while recasting Tony Stark as a less jaded, more [...]

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  • Nuit Blanche

    Nuit Blanche

    Every now and then a film or a short comes out that defies conventional story telling. Remember the opening sequence to “Up” where Carl’s entire relationship with his wife Ellie was shown in 4 minutes of action with little to no dialogue? In that short time, the directors were able to convey how special their relationship was. I remember looking around the theaters to see people not just crying, but literally bawling their eyes out. I posit that no movie [...]

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  • Dumb Ways to Die

    Dumb Ways to Die

    A smart way to make a PSA on being dumb. This PSA is entertaining and adorable, even when blood is being spilled. Most importantly, it went super viral. It’s done millions and millions of views since we first posted it.        

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  • Breezeblocks by alt-J – Murder In Reverse

    Breezeblocks by alt-J – Murder In Reverse

    Be prepared music industry, the up-and-coming folk-step group Alt-J is looking to shock the world and capture an audience by pairing their distinctly unique style of music with some unbelievable music videos. The playwright James Aurthur Baldwin once wrote, “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war.” With the video for the song, Breezeblocks, from Alt-J’s debut album, An Awesome Wave, he and director Ellis Bahl [...]

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  • Be The Change You Can Imagine

    Be The Change You Can Imagine

    Our imagination has the power of the imaginal cells of the caterpillar. Incredibly, the “imaginal cells” of the caterpillar contain the latent potential for the transformation of the wriggling worm-like caterpillar into the winged and beguiling butterfly. This is an apt and inspiring metaphor for our own potential transformation. Within our “imaginal cells” lie the seeds for our own metamorphosis — our own personal potential is limited only by our ability to imagine it. By embracing this truth, we can [...]

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  • SIGHT — Taking Dating to the Next Level

    SIGHT — Taking Dating to the Next Level

    A cool short film about where technology is taking us… in the dating world. “Sight” provides a glimpse into a chilling future where gaming and dating collide and the virtual and real worlds combine. “Sight” illustrates both the amazing possibilities and the problems that come with progress. Visually, this short is phenomenal, and the embedded ocular modification it posits is a cool and believable byproduct of upcoming gadgets such as Google glasses.  While we may at first be engrossed with [...]

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  • Making it Count

    Making it Count

    I saw TITANIC in 3D this weekend with my daughter and there’s a great scene in the middle where Leo’s penniless Jack Dawson tells the first class company he’s dining with that he’s got everything he needs right there with him: air in his lungs, a blank sheet of paper and a sense of making every day count. Everyone toasts to “making it count.” On the Titanic, the passengers’ days–their hours––were numbered. But so our ours. The only certainty is that our [...]

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  • Decoding Deepak

    Decoding Deepak

    Check out the trailer to an excellent new documentary that premiered at SXSW this year: DECODING DEEPAK. I encourage you to see the film as chances are you know something about Deepak Chopra or have perhaps quoted one of his inspiring spiritual observations or insights. The film was made by Deepak’s son, Gotham Chopra, a friend and creative collaborator. Gotham is an author, journalist, screenwriter, director and producer. He also runs a comic book company. In short, he’s the epitome [...]

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  • Ruin — A Cool Animated Short Chase Film

    Ruin — A Cool Animated Short Chase Film

    This short is cinematic, dynamic and super cool. As well directed an action chase sequence as I’ve seen in a big-budget movie. And it’s likely to go viral as it’s received a lot of view in just a few days. Let me know if you don’t disagree.  

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  • Yogini Time-Lapse set to Philip Glass

    Yogini Time-Lapse set to Philip Glass

    Yogini, Meghan Currie, is a divine display of strength and grace. Her choice of Philip Glass as the perfect musical accompaniment inspires movement. At least it does for me.    

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