Star Power! Astrology Unleashed

Week of March 12-18, 2012

Welcome to the pre-production period of the Equinox project! This is the week before the Vernal Equinox—the day in the Northern Hemisphere when Spring begins. As with many creative projects that have loose ends to resolve so things can move forward, the astrological aspects this week are all over the map. But there is a cohesive energy to the week that breeds optimism, even in the midst of possible chaos.

It’s an excellent time both for redoing that second draft and for having a heart-to-heart with a prospective bed-partner.

First, and perhaps most noticeably, Mercury, which astrologically represents communications, turns retrograde at 6 degrees Aries, at 12:45 am PDT on Monday. The orbital ratio between Earth and the planet Mercury shifts, so Mercury looks as if it’s going backwards in the sky. This generally occurs three times a year, for a period of about three weeks. This one is actually pretty long, 23-1/2 days, with Mercury returning to direct motion on April 4.

Mercury retrograde periods are infamous for things going awry. If it had a theme song it would be Led Zeppelin’s “Communication Breakdown.” Titanic sank, the Challenger space shuttle lifted off, Sully’s plane went down in the Hudson—all under Mercury retrograde. Clarity of expression is diminished during these periods, so extra effort is needed to avoid the confusion that leads to accidents and upsets.

So writers and speakers should have the spell-check ready. Mistakes occur easily and you don’t want to drip coffee on that pristine manuscript. Double-check details and use this time to reflect and organize, rather than initiate projects. Wait to sign contracts, get your car fixed, back up your computer files. Have patience, breathe, meditate. The energy is naturally indrawn now, so use it to reorganize your mind.

This is incubation time for wonderful ideas that can be acted upon favorably in early April. The good news is that this particular retrograde period possesses some excellent counterbalancing energies. It’s like a chainsaw juggler who cuts himself, but ends up on Jay Leno because of it.

Venus (love/pleasures/art) cozies up to Jupiter (abundance/good fortune) in the sign of Taurus, whose ruling planet just happens to be Venus. This is a win-the-lottery, massage-my-body, max-out-my-credit-card sort of energy. (Watch the sugar intake.) Sensuality and I-feel-good aspects permeate the atmosphere, the more so because the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is just part of a Grand Trine in Earth Signs, exact Tuesday March 13th through Thursday the 15th. Creative projects seem to take off by themselves.

A practical, manifesting energy flows in a harmonious way. It’s just damn lucky.

Mars (action/ego needs/sexuality) is retrograde in Virgo and has the asteroids Psyche (soul-connections) and Eros (body-connections) accompanying its backward dance; this week is one in which you could “get lucky” in another way. It’s a great time for intimate relationships. Pluto (power/transformations) is beaming its deal-with-it energy from Capricorn, making a triangle effect of deep but harmonious intensity.

There is a sense of “I can’t believe it’s this good!” occurring now. Well, it is. There is no better time to manifest your worldly dreams—as long as you realize you may have to rework some of the details later. But that’s no reason to hesitate! Get Spielberg on the phone! The name of the game this week is ACTION!

Here’s what the various Sun-signs can expect. If you know your Ascendant and your Moon sign, check those, too.

ARIES (March 21-April 20):  You’ve just lit the Olympic torch, but it’s burning away your posterior as well as your obstacles. Douse it only halfway, keeping enough fire going to illuminate the stadium tunnel. This week you need to be careful that your own raw vitality doesn’t get you into trouble. You’re overpumping a little, so tone it down, but stay focused on the finish line.

TAURUS: (April 21-May 20): You’re sinking slowly into the couch and can’t get up except to eat that chocolate bonbon. But if you make the effort to open the door when opportunity knocks, Publisher’s Clearinghouse gives you a check. If you’ve done the homework, your reward arrives now in the form of cash or comfort. Take them both!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) This week you find the Great and Powerful Oz inhabiting your closet. At first you wonder what he’s doing there, but then you realize he represents that fabulous idea you had that you can revive now to great effect. Past efforts pay off provided you don’t lose your sizzle in the sheer delight of rediscovery. Make it fresh, make it new, make it sing!

CANCER: (June 21-July 20): Ever wonder why people don’t like your moods? It’s because you need them to motivate yourself. This week your emotions are like chess pieces that move by themselves around the chessboard. As long as you just let them be, and follow them to their desired ends, you find yourself happier than you’ve been in a long time. It’s called letting go.

LEO (July 21-August 20): Nobody needs to tell you how to have fun; there you are in the Executive Suite in a business suit when a dozen mermaids flow into the room. Life entices you this week to a very different scenario than you’ve had lately, and if it seems a little strange, it’s also lucrative in more ways than one. Your pleasures and your reputation expand now.

VIRGO (August 21-September 20): Gambling time! Just hunker down over your cards: this week, your deck has all aces. This is when unexpected connections come up, like Bilbo being visited by those dwarves. Sure, you may have to face a dragon or two, but just think of the adventure you’re having! Say yes to someone now and you won’t regret it.

LIBRA (September 21-October 20): Is there any substitute for flying through the air in your dreams? You can do anything and not fall down, because you’re in a different state. And that’s your week, a combination of stepping off the cliff and trusting that the landing will be soft. And it will be, unless you melt your wings because you cease to believe.

SCORPIO (October 21-November 20): What’s the difference between your ideal and your current reality? Get out your measuring stick because it shrinks considerably this week. Your jaw is agape at Lionel Richie dancing on the ceiling, but you can join him now. This week you are the recipient of attention, willingly or no. Be sure you’ve got your hairdo right, and breathe well so you can move smoothly. That pressure you feel is you exhaling.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21-December 20): There’s gold in them thar hills, and this week you need to dig a little deeper, but the vein is true and the map is accurate. Speak your intention clearly and that which you hold precious appears in your life now. Just be sure that you don’t mess up your mantra’s pronunciation. Clarity begins at home.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 20): Normally you have all the humor of a graveyard, but this week you’re suddenly whistling. No ghouls have a chance to waylay you unless you give them credence in your mind. The Grim Reaper loses interest in you because you ignore his entreaties. The energies now are such that your personal voice is magnified even while the tune is a bit discordant. Be receptive to how easy life can be when you stop frowning. Listen to the birds singing. Now emulate.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 20): It’s perfectly normal to feel you are the only sane person in your social circle. This week the asylum lets out, and bedlam may occur among your friends. It’s OK to stay away. You have enough going on at home with the Cheshire Cat smiling at you mysteriously. He’s saying that this is the time to make sure your dream has the right amount of fantastical elements. You do better now by giving in to the vision rather than the logic.

PISCES (February 20-March 20): Feet of clay may not be very courageous, but your feet are caked with mud right now and that’s a good thing. You are being dragged screaming and kicking into wonderfulness, and the only thing that can prevent it is your insistence that you are above it all. So get yourself dirty this week by doing what’s in front of you and you will be rewarded by things that stick to you. Like peanut butter. Or siblings who visit and bring diamonds as payment. Either way, you’re sustained.

Next week, we spring forth into a new season. Ya’ll come back now, hear?



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