Star Power! Astrology Unleashed

Week of March 19-24, 2012

“Hold on to your butt!” as Sam Jackson said in JURASSIC PARK. This week we experience a huge shift in energy, made even larger by a New Moon around the Vernal Equinox and a pileup of planets (and asteroids) in Aries… a sign not known for using the brake. All this under a Mercury (and Mars) retrograde pattern, known for causing chaos. So check that accelerator now, because it just might be sticking!

Actually, a stuck accelerator is not such a bad thing if you’ve been stuck in other ways. This week is an opportunity to bring out the fire, to stop sputtering around when it comes to that creative project and actually get things done! The energy wants to move, so wherever you put your focus this week, expect things not to remain the same. Remember the words of Vince Lombardi: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!” Burn that limited thinking now!

As mentioned, Mercury Retrograde (in Aries and Pisces) is still in effect until April 4, so it’s a good time to review and reflect, to double-check details and allow extra time for possible delays. This applies to such things as your daily commute, but also to personal communications. It’s a period where you can catch that mistake that would have gone unnoticed in the rush of life, so consider that rejection slip or missed part a blessing. You can do better next time because of this experience.

Frustrations do tend to build under this transit, more so now because Mars (action and energy) is also retrograde in Virgo until April 14. So just breathe and focus on where you are. Take out the papers and the trash, and you’ll get that spendin’ cash when the planets go direct.

The Equinox arrives Monday night at 10:15 p.m. PDT, Tuesday at 1:15 a.m. EDT, 6:15 a.m. GMT. On the Equinox, day and night are equal in length. The Equinox has always been considered a sacred day, where the natural energies are balanced. In the Northern Hemisphere it marks the beginning of Spring, when tradition says a young man’s heart turns to love. (Or the playoffs—take your pick.)

The energy of Aries, into which the Sun is now passing, is all about ACTION! This week we have more than our share of that! It’s actually a bit volatile, as if we’re walking down Sunset Boulevard with a jar of nitroglycerin in our hands. What do you want to do with all that potency? It’s quite explosive, and may have a big impact, so be very, very aware this week. The passage from water (Pisces) to fire (Aries) may not be smooth. I’d practice my yogic breathing if I were you. Try not to over-emote… unless it’s on paper. Even then, try not to burn out your computer.

If Monday is transitional, Tuesday is a bit of a roller-coaster with a few lunar oppositions to tough planets. Steady as she goes. Wednesday, Mercury in its retrograde motion conjoins the Sun, and in the beginning degrees of Aries there is not a lot of room for shouting “Stop!” Take it easy. Don’t say something you’ll regret later.

The New Moon on Thursday occurs 7:38 a.m. PDT, at 2 degrees Aries. Uranus, the chaos-maker, is at 4 degrees. Got your life in order? Prepare to un-order it now. If you can do this in the right way—strive to reach unknown heights, start the phone calls to the right people, throw your project into the wind just to find out where it lands—then this is a very good time. The keynote now is COURAGE.

The week winds down on an equally wobbly note with Mercury backing into Pisces on Friday, which should cool things down a bit. But on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Uranus, the freedom-seeking, I-don’t-care-what-anyone-else-thinks-I-just-gotta-be-me energy. Today you could have a breakthrough—or a breakdown. It is, however, great for doing something unusual. (Just don’t get caught!) Hallelejuah: Sunday looks more peaceful, so go to the beach. You’ve earned it!

Forecasts for the various signs:

ARIES (March 20-April 19): There is only so much volume on your inner amp, so when you feel like turning it up to 11 this week, remember that others may not share your convulsive fervor about everything. That’s okay as long as you can step over those coals without burning yourself (or others), it doesn’t matter how hot you get.


TAURUS: (April 20-May 19): This week for you is about the difference between a calm walk in the woods and a NASCAR race in your backyard. You feel like being placid, but the energy keeps taking you places you’d rather not go. Surrender to it while keeping a fixed gaze on your goal. Don’t be surprised if you find you’re nearer to it because you let go.


GEMINI (May 20-June 19): If there was a medal for detached firefighting, you’d earn it now. Your friends seem all aflame, yet you keep pouring out objective coolness. Must be your bird-like nature that causes you to float gleefully around the fire. Make sure you don’t singe your own wings. This week, you can soar!


CANCER (June 20-July 19): Sometimes you’re the bug, sometimes you’re the bonfire. This week, you could be either. If you let tension get to you, you easily could go splat. But if you remember that there are maneuvers you can make to avoid immolation, those flames will miss you. The key here is to always go with your first feeling. That, and not having horned people with tails masquerading as your boss or friend. If there’s steam rising, move away!


LEO (July 20-August 19): You’re at a sacred ceremony that calls for you to achieve your dream, but you must give up your most cherished possession to do it. What’s your next thought? This week can be one of your best as long as you remember you are of the same caliber as the problem you’re facing. If you solve your own worries, those terrible flames will twist themselves into laurel wreaths to crown you.


VIRGO (August 20-September 19): It’s not that anyone really WANTS you to be miserable; it’s just that you have to remember how Santa Claus is still Santa Claus even in March. The reindeer will keep nuzzling you until you decide to give up the irritability that comes along with the energy this week. Santa is resting, but you’re still there in his wonderful abode. Remember it!


LIBRA (September 20-October 19): If there’s anything more scorching than a hot partner, it’s a hot poker. This week, you may get both. Take the connection, not the stick in the eye. There’s no reason your life can’t zoom into incredible beauty now even if it seems unfamiliar because it is beyond your wildest dreams.


SCORPIO (October 20-November 19): Audrey Hepburn would envy you now! The diamond in the window that keeps calling to you is an indication you’ll pay full price for that precious dream; in fact, no discounted price-tag will attract you now. This is the week you decide whether or not to glam up your own psyche or slink back into the obscurity of unfulfilled desire. I’d bet on the glitter winning out.


SAGITTARIUS: (November 20-December 19): There’s no better feeling than being the master of all you survey—even if it means you keep having to prove it to others. This week is about laughing with delight because you know you can leap over that crossbar with just a small portion of your total strength. The crowd is impatient. So why aren’t you already in the air?


CAPRICORN (December 20-January 19): It’s one thing for the furnace to go out; it’s another for it to erupt in warm weather. So many things have disordered your life lately that’s it’s become normal to expect Joe the Plumber to show up when you don’t even have a clogged drain. This week, you actually do. And in a crisis, Joe’s assistant turns out to be better than him. Be grateful for your fortunes now. It doesn’t have to make sense.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 19): Why is the dove on your roof cooing so loudly? Perhaps because it knows more than you right now. For one thing, it sees how amazingly great things go when you climb out on that limb instead of just talking about it. You can write your victory speech when you get there. In fact, here’s a pen. There’s a TelePrompTer. And beyond that, an audience. Now go!


PISCES: (February 20-March 19): It’s not every day you can possess what you truly want. Wait—yes, it is. And this week, you can if you decide to look the lion in the mouth and not back down when he roars. Odds are against you, but so what? Remember Han Solo: “Never tell me the odds!” He claimed victory (eventually), and so can you. It starts with a small thing like getting used to actually winning. Here’s your chance, Bud!


Next week, the Wheel in the Sky keeps on turnin’! Stay tuned!



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