Welcome to the great Cosmic Tango! Whenever we take the time to look up at the sky, we catch the planets and stars in the midst of their vast, flowing dance.
Astrology is the method, developed over many centuries, by which we interpret the rhythms of the cosmos, the intricate harmony that the heavenly bodies make—with each other, and with our own little Spaceship Earth.
Because the planets continually change their positions in the sky, we here on Earth experience their space-dance as a continuously changing energy flow. As the energetic patterns shift in the heavens, so do the circumstances in our lives.
We are born at a certain moment, under a specific alignment of planetary energies, and this provides the blueprint for how our life develops. This also is true for humanity as a whole: we are affected en masse as well as individually—witness, for example, the current, worldwide upwelling of protest movements.
The larger reason for this, beyond the social issues involved, is that we are now in the midst of a great, revolutionary energy pattern—technically called Uranus square Pluto—that is causing much upset in cultural and world affairs. It’s time to dump the past and step into the red-hot furnace that is the future. There may be much drama in our individual lives, but it’s necessary for the outworking of our greater potential. We are molding our collective future as we speak.
Those involved in the creative arts have an especially important part to play in the changes occurring now, for creative people tend to be visionary and imbued with passion…and passion is what fuels both small projects and larger social and spiritual ideals. Entertainment projects that speak to personal change and encapsulate larger truths will be well-received now because the time is energetically right for such ideas to permeate the world.
So let’s look at the astrological energies for the week, as well as those for each particular Sun-sign, and see how creative individuals can make the best use of the current skyscape.
This week’s major event is the Full Moon, which occurs early Thursday morning—9:15 AM GMT, 3:15 EST, 1:15 PST—at 18 degrees Virgo (the opposite sign from Pisces, where the Sun is currently traveling). Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger in Roman mythology, and he’s about to turn retrograde next week. That means that along with all the usual drama around the time of the Full Moon, there is an emphasis on expressing exactly what you mean…and I mean in great detail…lest it be misunderstood later. It’s actually a very good time to sign a contract—but only after reading all the fine print.
Mars, the planet associated with action and strife, is currently retrograde in Virgo not far from the Full Moon point. Put together emotional sensitivity (Moon), communications (Mercury), and aggressiveness (Mars), all in the sign of perfectionism (Virgo), and you have a three-day period—Wednesday through Friday—that can drive you crazy if you let it. Try not to trash your agent’s office.
Instead, use this time to break through mental barriers about what is possible. Think clearly about what you really feel. Then let nothing stand in the way of attaining your ideal. The concept of purity is often associated with Virgo—the Virgin, after all—and here it has to do with right motive. Be pure in your heart’s desire and you can attain it. Put your project out there now and the energy will naturally float it toward success.
There are two planets (Mercury and Uranus), a dwarf planet (Ceres), and an asteroid (Vesta) now stacking up in Aries, ruled by Mars. This is a call to action, a green light if there ever was one, but caution is required as you drive your life toward your goals because next week you may have to rethink a few things as Mercury turns retrograde.
The Mercury-Uranus conjunction on Monday sets the tone for an inspirational, no-holds-barred plan of action. Just make sure your foot can reach the brake if it needs to. Take care of your nerves as you remake the world, or at least your own life. Energy drinks—good. Caffeine, sugar, alcohol and drugs—bad. There’s enough cosmic wind at your back already.
Another especially great aspect this week is a Grand Trine: all three Earth Signs are occupied. Venus (love and pleasures) enters Taurus, its home sign, and pursues Jupiter (good fortune and expansion), while Mars (action) dances backward through Virgo, and Pluto (power and transformation) delves deep in Capricorn. The Full Moon makes harmonious angles to all of these. If there was ever a time to make a cherished dream visible in your life, this is it. Manifesting one’s ideal is what this energy is all about. Stop procrastinating! Make that phone call now!
Here’s how each Sun-sign may experience this energy:
ARIES: Liftoff! We have liftoff on the way to your dream! Wait, we have a glitch! No, it just needs a little adjustment—no need to abort your mission! Carry on! And be sure to follow that strange lightbeam of an idea that just showed up. That way lies inspiration.
TAURUS: Don’t worry: the check really IS for that much! All those zeroes aren’t just a mistake. Wow! Who thought life would be this easy? Go ahead, have the extra scoop! See? All that thinking about pleasure in your life pays off! Write more about sex. Or money. Or sex and money. Whatever works.
GEMINI: The Board of Deciding You’re the One for the Position wants to be sure it’s right. Things take a little time this week. So take the hope, leave the worry. It’s not as bad as you think. Remember to breathe—everything will harmonize that way. Clean your keyboard while you’re at it.
CANCER: That warm bath is calling you, or maybe it’s the reverie of the song locked in your heart. Either way, it’s good to remain sensitive to the needs of your body as well as your soul. And finish that poem, will you? Speak your feelings and watch it all work.
LEO: When is too much of a good thing not a good thing? When you don’t quite know what to do with it, that’s when. Like now. The safe inside your office wall has been burglarized by the thief who wants you to cooperate while he re-prioritizes your life. A successful art opening means that now you have to be responsible for your rep. It’s hard to stay hungry. And that’s why you should now be less self-indulgent.
VIRGO: It’s either the monastery or the Occupy rally for you this week. Knowing what to do with your energy is important. If you feel emotionally frazzled, look at the real cause in the mirror. Then vow to give your heart away anyway. Life will treat you kindly. The Muse is a pure-hearted Virgin this week. Creatively ravish her.
LIBRA: If the noise pollution distresses you, take a walk in the garden. If your mind is still too loud, as it might be this week, don’t blame the environment or that voice hollering at you to stay on the path. Just quiet down by any means necessary. You find your best dialogue in the silence.
SCORPIO: If only everyone had your insight! But then, they’d be up for the Nobel Prize this week and not you. This is one of those times where you can’t do anything wrong, but still might. So watch your footwork as you glide. Toe shoes are ragged for a reason. It looks effortless, but it’s still work.
SAGITTARIUS: You want to connect! You want to travel! You want to drink a Red Bull as you swing from the treetops in the Forest of Arden! Or maybe just watch TV. Problem is, you gotta decide. This week you have so many can’t-miss ideas you can be pooped just from desiring so much.
CAPRICORN: You should enter the Presidential campaign. As a plutocrat. Who makes a fortune and gives it away. And who insists this week that you first need structure in your life before you can break all the rules. Attention to the fine structural details of your craft pays off. You get what you want now if you are so masterful you feel you can take the offer or leave it.
AQUARIUS: Somebody left the throttle open and you’re on the wrong side of the street, hurtling down the road with a lover in one hand and a creative deadline grasping at your mind. Finding your way this week requires some quick adjustments. Be sure you know where you’re going, because it’s produce-or-not time.
PISCES: I can’t tell you how wonderful this week will be for you. So I won’t. I’ll just let you experience the joy of allowing things to come to pass—and they will if you don’t get in their way by thinking too much. Right-brain your love and work this week. It’s the heart, stupid. It always is.
Next week: Mercury Retrograde joins the class—and promptly misplaces its study notes!
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